The Honors Professional Development Series began with Session 1, an opportunity for students to start thinking about their professional development path in college. The event started with presentations and advice by upperclassmen from each of the three broad disciplines of Humanities, Social Sciences and STEM.
MaryKate, a senior Philosophy/Theology major, shared about her internship, leadership and theatrical experiences and encouraged students to do what they are passionate about in college. Marcelle, a senior International Political Economy major, shared about her summer political internships, and her work at the UN and a smaller non-profit, highlighting skills she gained. She recommended that students take advantage of the resources Career Services has to offer. Sara, a junior Chemistry major, talked about her clinical and research experiences, culminating in a prestigious summer research internship in Germany. Sara encouraged students to make connections with professors in their field.
The second part of the event was a presentation by Cassie Sklarz, the Associate Director of Career Services at Rose Hill. She highlighted the importance of a liberal arts education in the workplace, told students about Career Services’ resources, and shared tips and examples for cover letters and résumés. This part of the workshop also gave students Level 1 access to Career Services resources.
At the end of the event, students were able to talk with Cassie and another Career Counselor. Attendees found the event very useful and are looking forward to the next Professional Development workshop.
~Workshop hosted by the Professional Development Committee of the Student Advisory Council ~