First Year Pre-Health Meeting with Dean

First Year Pre-Health students gather for snacks, information, and a Q&A with Dean Watts
Pre-Health First Years with Dean Watts

On Thursday, December 3rd, honors first year pre-health students met with Dean Ellen Watts, Assistant Dean for Pre-Health Advising. The purpose of the meeting was to provide some relief from the stress of the end of the semester and to inform students of different routes one can take in the pre-health track.

Dean Watts gave the students advice on “Surviving and Strategizing in Pre-Health,” then opened the floor for conversation. The group enjoyed snacks in the Honors office, some students stayed afterward to debrief, and all walked away with a sense of relief, ready to tackle studying for finals.

This was the first of what will be a continuing series for Pre-Health students in the Honors Program, and Dean Watts has agreed to meet with Honors students every semester, as necessary.

We look forward to starting these meetings early first semester next year, as the students indicated that meeting with Dean Watts very early in their first year would have been particularly helpful.